Saturday, November 6, 2010

RCO INTERNATIONAL 48 Oz Mole and Gopher Patrol Bait

RCO INTERNATIONAL 48 Oz Mole and Gopher Patrol Bait Review

We tend to tred gently on our environment, but for several reasons, we have finally waged an all out war on moles that were taking over our property. We had previously tried every remedy on the market...bombs, chewing gum, poison 'peanuts', whirly-gigs, castor oil name it. When the Mole Patrol was recommended by a satisfied user, I ordered some immediately. After 'planting' almost 8 oz. on our property the first time, we could see results within two weeks. New mole runs were much fewer. Glory!! I stomped down all the runs I could find and then waited for signs of repair. Those runs were then treated again. We have had periods where we thought we had rid the property (7 acres) of all the varmits, but whether you are on a farm or in the city, if you have moles, there are moles in neighboring areas, so you will probably always have a problem to some degree. Just be vigilant and treat any new runs immediately. With this product, more is not better, quantity-wise, though you do want to treat a run in more than one spot. I use a heavy, long screw driver (some of our runs are real deep) to punch down til I find the open run underground. I then pour @ 1 teaspoon of the pellets in and then close the hole, using the screw driver. I then treat the run again about one foot away. Do take care to shove all the pellets down into the run. This product could also kill other wildlife and possibly pets. And I don't think I would use it in a vegetable garden. For the first time, I am ordering more Mole Patrol from McClendon Hardware through Amazon. I will leave a separate review for them whenever the product arrives.

RCO INTERNATIONAL 48 Oz Mole and Gopher Patrol Bait Feature

  • Enhanced formula mole and gopher bait
  • Dual purpose pelleted bait
  • Incorporates natural ingredients into the pellets
  • Prolonged shelf life as well as tunnel life
  • 48 oz

RCO INTERNATIONAL 48 Oz Mole and Gopher Patrol Bait Overview

* Enhanced formula mole and gopher bait * Dual purpose pelleted bait * Extremely effective * Incorporates natural ingredients into the pellets * Antidotal remedies in cases of accidental dog * Prolonged shelf life as well as tunnel life * High results with less risk * Easy to follow instructions * 48 oz

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Nov 06, 2010 20:16:06

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